This will be the new section that will include all the Body Work and Paint pictures and resources that I have come up with.
This part of my project should last through the winter. I have tentatively decided on a black with silver strips paint sceme.
Before I get started on the body I need to do some fall garage cleaning and build a body buck. Here are some plans for a body buck (Word .doc) or body buck (Wizip .zip) courtesy of Scott Brook.
Well this week (11/14/02) I offically started the body work. I decided to leave the body on the car for the majority of the seam work.
Once I get those done I will probably pull it off to do all the small details. So here are the first pictures from the inital seems, to the seams being ground out, to the first layer of epoxys. The total time to get here was about 3 hours.
Here are the items you'll need to get before you get started:
1) A fiberglass dewaxer/ degreaser (2 quarts). I used Interlux's 202 purchased from West Marine. 2) A four inch grinder or equivalent with
2-3 80 grit discs (mounted on a rubber pad). I bought mine from Harbour Freight for under $20.00. 3) West Systems 105 Resin (1 quart), West Sytems 205 Hardener (1 pint),
A set of micro pumps, West Systems 410 Microlight Filler 4) 5-10 Disposable plastic cups, and some popsical sticks (to stir epoxy and hardner)
5) 4-5 3/4" - 1" foam brushes (for applying the epoxy. 6) A box of disposable gloves.